Best in class advice for risk professionals

Risk Management Solutions for Financial & Professional Services

Manage your risks, and those of your customers

Your customers pay you to be the best. To understand the risk environment, develop processes specific to their needs and to make sure you deliver value in everything you do. But organizational improvement requires improvements to people, process and technology. 

IRIS Intelligence can help you manage your own operational risks and also help you develop a rounded offering to ensure you are providing the best possible support for your customers

Managing Risks in the Past Meeting

A Recognized Global Leader In Risk

IRIS Intelligence is on the Corporate Adisory Committee for the Association of Federal Enterprise Risk (AFERM). We represented the UK as the Risk Specialists for the Project Management Institute (PMI). We even contributed to the International Standard on Risk Management (ISO31000). IRIS has unrivalled expertise in risk management, working across industry and we can help you navigate the guidance and deliver valuable insights for your customers.

A “Plug-N-Play” Technology Solution

You can develop best practice processes for your customers. You may even be able to train them. But without technology to support the processes and reinforce the lessons of the training, the value you deliver initially may quickly disappear. IRIS software is hugely flexible and can match the processes you build for your customer base. We can also be deployed within hours and offer both SaaS and on-premise solutions. We can even provide you with your own branded solution. Contact us to find out more.

Retain Expertise And Grow The Knowledge Base

The same issues arise time and again but Subject Matter Experts leave or transfer to other projects. The IRIS software includes a Risk Library to capture knowledge and learn lessons from how risks have been mitigated most effectively. Return on Investment calculations and Waterfall (Risk Burndown) charts provide instant analysis of the most successful strategies. Brainstorming prompts and checklists identify more risks and the technology helps clients understand the value of your services today and into the future.
London Underground Logo

"Companies in the top 20% of risk maturity generated three times the level of EBITDA as those in the bottom 20%"

EY (Ernst & Young):  Turning Risk into Results

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