Powering Our Future

Risk Management Solutions for Energy & Utilities

ERM, GRC and Project Risk Management for Critical Infrastructure

You are the teams we trust to keep the lights on. To keep the trains running. To keep gas in the tank. 

Without a successful energy industry, the economy literally grinds to a halt. But delivering energy solutions is fraught with risk. 

Whether you are involved exploration and production projects, new and exciting renewable technologies or delivery of energy to the consumer, managing risk is integral to your success.

Wind energy station

Maximize Return On Investment

Demonstrate the value of your risk management activity to corporate budget holders through Return on Investment calculations. Limited resources can be deployed more effectively and budgets can be allocated more efficiently. Integrate Monte Carlo statistical analysis into the decision making process whilst keeping the risk management simple, intuitive and effective for the wider team. Ensure support from the Finance teams by making risk management tangible and enhancing communication.

Increase Risk Visibility

IRIS risk management software empowers you with unlimited cross-cuts of the risk portfolio across a variety of properties. The risk profile can be viewed by department, project, location, vendor, component etc. The possibilities are endless. That low-level risk that impacts multiple sites can be aggregated across the portfolio, highlighting its true impact whilst functional leads can view the risk items across multiple environments.

Manage Risk, Don’t Just Check Boxes

You understand the importance of risk and believe passionately in improving risk management for your team. But for many risk is still a box ticking exercise. IRIS software helps communicate the value of risk management and embed a risk aware culture throughout your teams, improves the “raw” data collection and provides instant reports – allowing you to increase your own impact whilst reducing company risk exposure.

"Companies in the top 20% of risk maturity generated three times the level of EBITDA as those in the bottom 20%"

EY (Ernst & Young):  Turning Risk into Results

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