Manage Your potential threat events

Cyber Security Risk Management System

Manage vulnerabilities identified in the information environment

Identify and manage cyber threats and vulnerabilities to your core infrastructure, networks and business processes concerning with the IRIS Cyber Risk Management system. 

Assess the impact on confidentiality, integrity and availability of data together with cyber physical security issues.  Develop, track and reporting on the progress of your remediation program.

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Understand Your Cyber Risk Profile

Best practices and policies from NIST and NCSC are embedded within the cyber risk management system. This enables IT and Business Units to collaborate and track the risks to the enterprise arising from cyber security vulnerabilities. A consistent risk assessment framework can be implemented across all of the business units and physical locations with real time reports available to Senior Management.

Increased Awareness Of Cyber Risk

Using simple techniques, teams can understand and quantify the expected cost of cyber risks. Once identified, the Return on Investment (ROI) from cyber defence activity can be instantly calculated and communicated to drive more effective decision making across IT and Finance. Ad-hoc and custom dynamic charts allow instantaneous drill down from high level data to individual threats.

Pro-Active, Focused Cyber Remediation Activity

Ensure timely review of cyber risks and regular update schedules, including automated email reminders to ensure data remains fresh. Set up, track and deliver a cyber risk remediation programme across multiple business units and IT asset categories. Our simple, intuitive and easy to use system provides a single unified source of Cyber Risk information for stakeholders and is configured to exactly match your user requirements.
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"The IRIS cyber risk assessment tool embeds best in class guidance from NIST and NCSC and provides our customers with a clear understanding of the current risk profile, tracks the remediation progress and includes a report engine which we can quickly configure to customer needs"

Nigel Mackie, Blue Sky Tec 

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